The phone call that changed my life!

My name is Jack Lannom and it was about 35 years ago that I received the most life changing phone call that totally transformed my mind as a martial artist. I had been practicing and teaching the Chinese martial arts for over two decades before I had received that phone call and I thought I had seen the best of the best in all the combat arts. Little did I know that up until that time I had never been exposed to Gonka?

The word Gonka means the real lethal, combat energy; the explosive projection that every wild animal possesses and uses to defend itself and attack its prey. I had heard stories about superhuman feats of men fighting ten or more attackers at one time and how they utterly had crushed their opponents like a vicious animal. But I had always thought that they were myths and that no one could really develop that kind of animalistic power. Well, I want you to know that I was absolutely wrong!

About Jack

Jack Lannom is one of five people that was chosen to introduce the Kung Fu art of Walu to the United States 35 years ago. Jack has taught hundreds of people the Walu Gonka Kung Fu art and has many years of experience in training men, women and children in how to use this special self-defense system to improve their self-confidence, self-discipline and mental toughness.

Mr. Lannom‘s art has been featured in “Inside Kung Fu” magazine when he taught the Marines at Camp LeJeune, North Carolina. He has also taught SWAT teams, the Miami Dolphins, FBI agents, bodyguards and a World Champion martial artist. He also holds the record for breaking over 3,000 lbs of ice with one iron-palm strike.

1 of 5 people to be the first to learn Walu in the U.S.A.

I felt very honored to be chosen to be one of five people in all of the U.S. to learn Walu Gonka, however I was skeptical. I must admit I was very prideful and I thought what could Walu Gonka teach me? A lot of my skepticism came from the idea that I had not heard anything about the Walu system, until that phone call. I thought I was very accomplished in the Chinese martial arts, because I had 20 years of experience, I was the founder of several Kung-Fu schools in Tennessee and had turned out many accomplished fighters. However, I needed to be humbled. I did not know that I did not know.
I guess the one thing that logically spiked my interest was that my Kung-Fu instructor was the best fighter I had ever seen in my life and if he said that Walu is a great combat system and that it would help me with my pursuit of energy projection, then I immediately became sold on Walu Gonka.
You see, my teacher knew me very well and when he used the special words “energy projection” those would be the words that captured my attention. He knew that I had always been consumed with the insatiable desire to project more energy out of my mind and body for both health and combat purposes.
Inside Kung-Fu Magazine

The art stresses the contrast of relaxation and the explosion of projection in the areas of striking and kicking, while avoiding static movement caused by chambering and prefixed positions that rely on thrusts, stopping points and retractions. The result is an art that is superior in movement and fighting skills.

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Inside Kung-Fu Magazine

Wa-lu chuan and ng wing chun were blended to form the 10-point-based internal boxing system of sill um ng wing chun kuen. The result of this compilation is gonka, the real killing internal boxing art for war and combat. The foundation of this art begins with ng san lung-fa wing chun, a method much like tai chi in its soft approach.

The art stresses the contrast of relaxation and the explosion of projection in the areas of striking and kicking, while avoiding static movement caused by chambering and prefixed positions that rely on thrusts, stopping points and retractions. The result is an art that is superior in movement and fighting skills.

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Inside Kung-Fu Magazine

In 1981, Cravens picked five of his senior students to take part in the Kai-Sai Wa Lu Project, the goal of which was to introduce the wa-lu chuan system to the United States. Lannom, one of five disciples, was the senior component of the project.

In 1981, Cravens picked five of his senior students to take part in the Kai-Sai Wa Lu Project, the goal of which was to introduce the wa-lu chuan system to the United States. Lannom, one of five disciples, was the senior component of the project.

In 1981, Cravens picked five of his senior students to take part in the Kai-Sai Wa Lu Project, the goal of which was to introduce the wa-lu chuan system to the United States. Lannom, one of five disciples, was the senior component of the project.

According to Cravens, Lannom's internal power and projection had surpassed that of anyone practicing the wa-lu chuan system. Lannom's move from Tennessee to Florida left just one black-sash-level student in Tennessee, sifu L.R. Gray, Gray retained his long-distance relationship with Lannom and began training with Dr. Wing Lok Nh in Kentucky.

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Inside Kung-Fu Magazine

Lannom and Gray cross-trained and blended their arts to combine the sil-lum ng wing chun kuen) or the ng san lung fa wing chun method.) Dr. Ng explained that there were many strong common denominators between the Futshan, Fukien, hung gar, ng gor chor and sil-lum fut ga systems.

Lannom and Gray cross-trained and blended their arts to combine the sil-lum ng wing chun kuen) or the ng san lung fa wing chun method.) Dr. Ng explained that there were many strong common denominators between the Futshan, Fukien, hung gar, ng gor chor and sil-lum fut ga systems.

Lannom and Gray cross-trained and blended their arts to combine the sil-lum ng wing chun kuen) or the ng san lung fa wing chun method.) Dr. Ng explained that there were many strong common denominators between the Futshan, Fukien, hung gar, ng gor chor and sil-lum fut ga systems.
He added that hung far's tiger and crane form and wing chun's bil gee techniques are similar in the first part of the pattern. Other forms such as lau gar and guan sau have trapping techniques that resemble familiar wing chun methods.

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Inside Kung-Fu Magazine

Lannom is the only certified 10th-level black sash in Dr. Ng's family system. Lannom and Gray are hoping this seminar leads to more involvement with members of the U.S. Armed Forces. Lannom, who has officially proposed this program to the Marines, has offered to train America's fighting forces overseas.

Lannom is the only certified 10th-level black sash in Dr. Ng's family system. Lannom and Gray are hoping this seminar leads to more involvement with members of the U.S. Armed Forces. Lannom, who has officially proposed this program to the Marines, has offered to train America's fighting forces overseas.

Lannom is the only certified 10th-level black sash in Dr. Ng's family system. Lannom and Gray are hoping this seminar leads to more involvement with members of the U.S. Armed Forces. Lannom, who has officially proposed this program to the Marines, has offered to train America's fighting forces overseas.

With an ever-increasing demand for effective close-quarter combat, tit would well serve our military to consider the newest options in battlefield self-defense.

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My first mind-blowing Walu Gonka lesson!

I will never forget my first lesson in Walu Gonka. Every thing that I had ever learned up until that time in the martial arts was completely different from what my Kung- Fu master instructor began to unfold for me in Walu Gonka. It didn’t look like anything I had ever seen in my martial arts career. The art was the freest expression of explosive energy that I had ever witnessed. It looked like an angry gorilla on steroids. It was the most vicious and violent combat movements that I had ever felt on my body.

Immediately, I said to my teacher, this is what I have wanted to learn all my life! I told my teacher that I am not going to pursue any other art. I stopped training in the Kung-Fu system I was learning. At that moment I made a decision to master Walu Gonka. I wanted to become the most powerful expression of the art in America. In addition, I had a great desire to teach this art to others, like myself, who are looking for the ultimate expression of energy projection for physical health and self-defense benefits.

Walu Gonka the best Combat art I have seen!

Please don’t miss what I am about to say, now at 72 years old, I am more powerful and I am healthier today, since I have been practicing Walu Gonka for 35 years, than I was in my prime as a fighter in my early twenties. I am not saying this is the best martial arts on the planet, simply because I have not seen all martial arts on this planet. However, what I am saying is that Walu Gonka is the best and most powerful, energy projection, combat system that I have ever seen in my 50 plus years of Chinese martial arts.

Bai Shr Chinese Gonka Ceremony

In October of 1988, after studying Walu Gonka for several years, I was honored by my Walu Gonka master instructor, Professor Cravens, to partake of the very special Bai shr Chinese ceremony in which I received formal initiation as a senior instructor disciple in Walu Gonka Kung-Fu.

At this time my Walu Gonka teacher gave me the greatest acknowledgement for my work in Walu. My teacher said that he was given a special certificate from Taiwan from Kai Sai, his Walu teacher, to bestow recognition and honor on one of his accomplished Gonka senior instructors. This Walu Gonka certificate, to this day, is one of my cherished martial arts possessions.

My Walu Gonka Baptism of Fire

Allow me to add an interesting note to your understanding of the effectiveness of this combat art. After studying Walu Gonka for seven years, I received my first life or death test to see if Walu Gonka was all that it was suppose to be. I was attacked by five men in my own front yard in 1991 and guess what, I flipped the Walu Gonka switch, and they ran from me like I was some wild, crazy animal. Spectators after the fight said that I had man-handled the five attackers like they were little children. I remember saying to myself after the fight, this stuff is really cool. It works!

Walu is Combat tested!

I also have many professional people that will testify to the amazing lethal power of Walu Gonka. Because I have trained many police officers, several of my students have had to use it in life or death situations and they have reported to me afterwards that Walu Gonka saved their lives and made the bad guys wish they had not attacked my students.

Over the last thirty five years, I have taught the Walu Gonka principles to F.B.I. agents, U. S. Marshals, professional body guards, Marine Recon soldiers, world champion kick boxers, champion body builders, S.W.A.T. team officers, security officers, many martial arts masters, weight lifting champions, the Miami Dolphins and a multibillionaire from Kuwait, and they have said, unanimously, just like I said when I first experienced Walu Gonka, that they have never seen or felt such effective, lethal, shock force, power in their life. In addition, one of my students, Rusty Gray, after I taught him the Walu Gonka projection, won the world heavyweight full-contact, Chinese Koushu championship; it was the 6th World Games title.

What makes Walu Gonka unique?

Now if you are like me, you want to know what makes Walu Gonka so different, so powerful, so lethal and how can you learn this special combat, self-defense, martial art system for you and your family. First, let me tell you my initial mind blowing impressions of Walu Gonka, and then I will share with you in more technical terms what differentiates it from other martial arts. And finally, I will tell you how you can purchase Walu Gonka video DVD’s for your private pursuit of unbelievable mental and physical power, so that you can feel healthier, more safe and confident in a volatile world.

My first impressions of Walu Gonka

When I first saw my teacher demonstrate Walu the movements of his arms looked like that of a gorilla. The gorilla moves his arms like clubs. The focus of the gorillas’ movements is not on the independent movement of the arms. The arms are simply conduits for the whole body to express the explosive energy through the arms. In other words, the arms are used in a unitary manner and not in an isolated state.
The next thing that was so fascinating to me was the amazing heaviness of the limbs. As my teacher would strike me with his arms they felt like they weighted two hundred pounds a piece. I asked him how ‘in the world do you make your arms so heavy. He said that in Walu you learn to slosh all of your body weight into the limb that you are using to attack your opponent.
Another thing that I observed concerning the uniqueness of Walu was that every time my teacher would strike me, the blow would violently shock my body internally. I had felt push force many times in my martial arts career, however I had not experienced such violent shock force. When you are performing Walu Gonka properly every strike, block, and kick creates a mind-hit shock to the attacker. Consequently, when you combine the powerful two elements of heaviness and shock force the result is like being hit with a two hundred pound anvil traveling at two hundred miles an hour and when it hits you it electrocutes you also. That’s Walu Gonka!
I believe the thing that really blew my mind about Walu was that the only way you can create that violent shock force was to achieve a totally relaxed, fluid body state. I had always been taught in my Kung-Fu training that you are supposed to remain relaxed until the moment of impact. However, Walu Gonka teaches you to relax even on impact and never, ever tense your body for an instant during an attack.
Another way that I like to express this in my Walu training is to say that our hand strikes are called armless striking and our kicks are called legless kicking. The emphasis in this terminology is to focus the mind on the relaxed unitary nature of the limbs and not to think of your arms or legs in a tense segmented fashion.

A Gorilla: the perfect example of Walu Gonka

If you ever get an opportunity to watch a gorilla hit something you will notice that it never tenses its muscles even upon impact. A friend of mine was watching a gorilla at the zoo and he said that he and the other spectators got the scare of their lives. They were watching the gorilla through a Plexiglas portal when out of nowhere the gorilla violently crashed his arm into the portal. He said that the whole structure they were in shook to the foundation. He told me after the experience that you are right about how a gorilla moves when it strikes something. He said the gorilla never demonstrated any tension in his movements and especially upon the impact of crashing its hand into the Plexiglas.

Please don’t miss this; the gorilla uses its massive body simply as a tool. The gorillas’ body is not were the primary focus of power originates. The ferocious power of the gorilla originates from the gorillas’ ferocious mind.

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Valued at $529.79 when purchased separately

Walu Gonka a Mind-Dominant Art!

In my opinion, Walu Gonka is a much deeper understanding of the energy of what our minds are capable of producing. In addition, I believe it is a more advanced system for developing the neurological pathways in the brain to allow the mind to express the shock force mental energy through a unitary, fluid body state. Walu Gonka is a mind-dominant art. If your mind has trained your brain to develop tense, neurological pathways for combat, like I did in my first twenty years of Kung-Fu training, then, in my opinion, you will not experience the incredible explosive power that is present in your mind right now. If you feel your body tense at any time during your training, I believe you are training in what I call a body-dominant art and you are cheating yourself from a whole new world of energy development.

If you could imagine how you would move in a fight if I were to put a ferocious gorilla mind into your body then you are beginning to understand what Walu Gonka is all about. Walu Gonka is a different mental construct. It is a new way of thinking about energy projection. Walu Gonkas’ advanced energy mastery system will transform your body into a pure energy channel for animal-like explosive power.

Walu Gonka is not a Sports focused Martial Art

Because of the animalistic, violent nature of the Walu Gonka movements, the art is not designed for sports application. Walu is not for winning trophies in a tournament or grappling an opponent to get them into a submission hold. This is not to say that all of that training is bad. I personally love all that particular kind of martial arts sports training and it has great value. However, so many of the martial artist that I have trained that have been in sports martial arts for all their lives have told me that they have not had training that would prepare them for a 9/11 life or death, terrorist confrontation.
Imagine with me that you are sitting at home and the door bell rings and you answer the door. At that moment three men violently force themselves into your home. They hold a gun to your head while they physically violate your wife. You only had 1/10 of a second to act. The scene I just described really happened to a family in America in 2005. This is not the America that I grew up in fifty years ago. Violence happens on a regular basis in this country every day. One million people every year are adducted and sold into sex slavery in America.

This is exactly the kind of violent behavior that Walu Gonka, mental and physical training, prepares you to crush in an instant. Every thing about Walu Gonka is designed to teach you how to instantaneously destroy the bad guys attack in such a vicious manner that it throws the kill-switch in the attackers’ mind. In other words, you turn the tables on them and they become afraid of you. That is what we call in Walu Gonka a Mind-Hit! It is the same ability that an animal possesses when it strikes terror in the mind of its prey.

If you can’t produce terror in the mind of your attacker you have really missed it in your martial arts training. If an instructor has not been trained in this devastating, violent, animalistic mind-state then he can’t impart what he doesn’t possess.

Another great benefit of Walu Gonka is that if you are fighting more than one person at a time, like I have and also many of my students, the monster-like violent movements of Walu Gonka visually appear as if the Walu practitioner has gone totally crazy. The reaction of the other attackers is one of horror because it looks like their cohort has been thrown into a human blender.

A Very Important Disclaimer!

You might be thinking about now that this guy likes to hurt people and he would really enjoy using his Walu on people. The opposite of what I have just described is the truth about who I am as a person. I love my God and I love people. I never want to hurt anyone. However, people don’t always behave as they should which makes it necessary to learn self-defense. If I love my neighbor as myself I will defend my life and the life of my neighbor.

At this time I want to state a disclaimer, you don’t have to always go into the Walu rage in every encounter. However, my point is that if you happen to need the power to suddenly take out several attackers, then you will be able to access all the destructive force you will need to survive the attack and protect yourself or your loved ones.

Why is Walu Gonka so Different?

Now let’s examine what makes Walu Gonka so different from other martial arts. Why is it the purple title on the martial arts grey wall? What makes it so powerful, so destructive, and so ferocious? What are the factors that distinguish it from other combat arts?

12 Differentiating Factors of Walu Gonka

1. Its emphasis on developing an unconquerable combat mind-set i.e. the mind of the warrior. This art develops a ferocious, animalistic mind-set like nothing I have ever encountered and it also teaches the practitioner a technique to turn it on at will in an instant. Walu will teach you the mind of the savage beast. In the final analysis it is minds fighting other minds. In order to become a power martial artist you must develop a powerful mind. The end result of Walu Gonka training is an unassailable, indomitable, fearless, mind. Mental combat mastery is central to Walu Gonka proficiency. Men like King David were well aquatinted with this mental state of being.

I believe this is the greatest benefit of studying Walu Gonka. My mind as a martial artist is stronger today than it has been in my entire life. Everyone that I train in Walu Gonka states that it is unbelievable how powerful their minds have become.

2. Its emphasis on the minds ability to train the body to remain in a relaxed, heavy, non-segmented, unitary, changeable, fluid-like state in combat. When you are fighting a Walu student it is like trying to nail Jell-O to a wall.

3. Its 44 energy mastery movements that totally reprograms your brains’ neurological energy pathways to allow for uninhibited, maximum energy projection. The health benefits of practicing these 44 energy mastery exercises are astounding. Many of the students that I have taught have not learned how to relax their minds. I never knew what true relaxation was until I began practicing Walu Gonka. It has had dramatic effects on diminishing my level of stress.

4. Its 10 energy mastery principles. Walu Gonka in not technique based. Every thing Walu Gonka teaches can be subsumed under 10 overarching, energy mastery principles. Please carefully read what I am about to state, it could dramatically transform your understanding about the martial arts. In Walu Gonka we have evaluative conclusions because we have evaluative principles. We are not students of a disjointed encyclopedia of techniques. Our goal is not to see how many techniques we can learn but to study and perfect the principles of energy mastery that form a unified comprehensive system of combat. This energy system is a well integrated whole and all the parts are interrelated and the whole gives meaning to the parts.

Consequently, this principle based, energy system governs the efficacy of every technique we perform. Furthermore, from this unified, principle based, energy system the Walu Gonka student is encouraged to create his own techniques in order to advance the many implicit applications inherent within the 10 energy mastery principles. This intellectual exercise is similar to the mathematical procedures in Geometry where many theorems are logically deduced from the axioms.

5. Its emphasis on creating fajing i.e. shock force power vs. push force power. You don’t feel Walu energy on the surface of your body; you feel the energy go through your body in a shock wave. The energy is felt as an electrical shock deep within the body. It is very painful and it can remain in the body. This shock force power is created by the integration of the two primary energy centers in every persons’ body. The Hsun Kwan energy center located in the middle of a persons forehead between the eyes and the Tan Tien energy center located three inches below the navel and two inches within the body.

6. Its emphasis on vital-point attacks i.e. Tien Hsueh the death touch.

7. Its bone density development. It turns the bones of a Walu Gonka student into steel rebar. The bone density training also contains 2 unique Iron Palm systems, the Interdiction Palm and the Yang Dar Palm training. We also have our special herb formulas for bone density training that have been passed down from generation to generation. This in itself is a great treasure. Walu Gonka is a great hidden treasure!

8. Its Dog Boxing curriculum. This is an advanced ground fighting system which includes grappling and Chin-na joint manipulation. The special gripping development exercises in this section turn the ligaments and muscles in your hand power into bone-crushing, steel bear traps.

9. Its comprehensive self-defense system. This is a vicious takeout self-defense combat system. Walu is not a sport. If you were on an airplane and five terrorist with box cutters were killing people in front of you, you would thank God that you were flying with a Walu master who was trained to take out the bad guys in seconds.

10. Its emphasis on Hsun Kwan, imperceptible speed development. The Walu Gonka student trains to throw 5 vital-point strikes in one second through non-telegraphic, blinding speed. In 1984 I personally trained the Miami Dolphin football players in these hand speed exercises. That year they went to the Super Bowl. I am not saying that my training is what brought them to the Super Bowel; however, they did say they doubled their hand speed in the two months that I worked with them.

11. Its code of ethics. It imparts a belief in the exalted worth and dignity of every human being. Man is made in the image of God. Therefore, human life is to be valued. If a human beings life is to be taken from them it must be done only because you are left with no other choice.

12. Its relentless pursuit to express Walu through the life philosophy of truth in all things, wisdom in all things, and excellence in all things. In 2006 we wish to make the art better than what it is at this time in its development. It is truly a thinking mans art. This unique combat art of Walu Gonka is not for the intellectually dull but for those special minds that have a deep desire to grow, to be mentally stretched, and to be challenged like never before in the highly specialized science of lethal energy mastery.

Now You can Learn Walu Gonka at Home!

Now if there is anything that I have said that has motivated you to want to learn Walu Gonka then you are ready to take the next step and let me become your Walu Gonka teacher and share with you the amazing energy mastery secrets of Walu Gonka.

I am going to offer you a wealth of Walu Gonka combat secrets that has taken me over thirty five years to master in this 4 part video set. If you are not serious about taking your martial arts training to the next level then this program is not for you.

However, if you have carefully read everything I have said on this website and have said to yourself I really like what Jack is saying about Walu Gonka, then I believe I am talking right now to someone like myself. I believe that you have been searching all of your life for the most powerful combat system you could learn. If that is true then you are the person I am looking for to pass on my art of Walu Gonka. It is a very rare combat martial art and I need people like you to help me keep it alive for future generations.

Since my four page article that appeared in the December 2005 issue of Inside Kung-Fu where they reported on my training of the Marines, I have been contacted by a U.S. military commander in another branch of the armed forces to train his world-wide, anti-terrorist division in February in 2006. This is very exciting to me because it is keeping the art alive for our soldiers in the armed forces. However, I am just as excited about your desire to learn the rare art of Walu Gonka and for you to learn it under my tutelage and for you to pass it on to others.

The Walu Gonka Lethal Combat Introductory Offer

When you order my Walu Gonka Kung Fu System you will have LIFETIME ACCESS to all my Walu Gonka Kung Fu System videos. As an added bonus you will also have LIFETIME ACCESS to The Mind of the Walu Warrior and The 10 principles of the Mind of the Walu Warrior. The audio is worth the price of the entire program. These audio tracks are twenty years of combat wisdom packed into two hours of instruction that you can’t afford to miss.

1. The first video will introduce you to one very special energy mastery technique called the Walu Gonka Earth Punch. This one hour video will start you on the road less traveled of lethal combat energy mastery. You will learn the cotton-fist punching secrets of Walu Gonka. You will observe me while I am teaching one of my students in your own home step-by-step as if I was personally teaching you. You will be amazed at the power you will see demonstrated. But you will be even more amazed when you start to experience the shock- force power of the Walu Gonka earth punch. I must give you a word of warning, when you spend just a little time with this Walu Gonka shock-force earth punch you will want your friends to feel your new found secret punching power. However, when your friends hold the phone books for you on their chest, you must be very careful because you don’t at first understand how powerful this stuff is until you hit something. Unwittingly, many people have knocked the wind out of their friends. They have also knocked them down to the great shock of themselves and their friends. When you learn to move your arms like a gorilla you will experience beyond belief punching power.

2. The second video will teach you the 10 energy mastery principles of Walu Gonka.
The 10 energy principles form the complete foundation of Walu Gonka. I will walk you through, step-by-step, in the meaning of the principles and the techniques necessary for learning how to grow in your knowledge and application of these 10 energy mastery principles. These 10 principles will enable you to develop a superior physiology and an advanced body mechanics. These 10 principles enabled me to totally rewrite my old body-dominant, neurological pathways that actually inhibited my ability to project maximum gonka energy. In other words, the application of these 10 energy mastery principles will give you a new martial arts mind, brain and body. That is exactly what it did for me twenty years ago. If you are like every person that I have taught so far in Walu Gonka, then you are in for the greatest discovery of your martial arts experience.

3. The third video shows you the combat applications of Walu Gonka. You will watch me apply the gorilla wing-arm crushing technique as a man attacks me in an ally. I will teach you the long-range, mid-range, and close-range strategies for this devastating combat technique. When you watch me perform this terrifying maneuver, you will learn why the Marines are in love with Walu Gonka. Every martial arts master that I have taught the gorilla wing-arm technique to, from many different styles, have all said that is the best take-out technique they have ever learned.

This isn’t some cool new tricks thrown onto a simple recording. This is a complete package with 3 instructional videos describing the system, the principles behind the system, and step by step instruction demonstrating how you can project this energy. Plus, you get 2 audio tracks on the history of Walu Gonka, the applications, a few battle stories, and an overview of how full and rich this whole system is for those of you who choose to go way beyond the introductory program. All of this is worth hundreds of dollars. However, I am offering you this Walu Gonka package for an introductory price of only $157. That’s well over a hundred dollars off the standard price to get this set after the introductory offer expires.

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Valued at $529.79 when purchased separately

4. FREE BONUS VIDEO #1 will focus on three major elements of Walu Gonka.
To start, I will share with you the special breakthrough learning techniques that I have developed that will enable you to learn to use gonka energy faster than normal. What took me years to develop with reference to demonstrating the Walu Gonka shock force; I have created (after twenty years of experimentation) a new physiological method which dramatically speeds up the learning process. My private students have literally paid thousands of dollars for what I will share with you in this segment. You will reap immense rewards from these teaching strategies that I am constantly refining. This segment of the video alone is worth hundreds, but free to you if you are the one who can boldly take action.

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Valued at $529.79 when purchased separately

In addition, I will teach you a very special kicking technique that is called the Walu torque kick. It is the most practical close-range kicking strategy I have ever learned. When you learn the Walu Gonka torque kick your leg feels like it is as heavy as an anvil. Once an attacker’s knee is blown out, you have no threat from him any more. What would it be worth to finish the altercation before it was able to fully develop? And this rare Walu kicking technique is included as a Free Bonus to you if you act now.

Finally, I will teach you the Walu Gonka bone density techniques. It is one thing to get the technique and sling energy like a gorilla. It is another thing altogether to have what you are slinging hit like a sledge hammer instead of a human arm or leg. Many martial artists I have trained have not had any bone density training. If you have not studied bone density then you are in for a huge addition to your martial arts training, and your confidence will soar. This portion of the video is worth gold if you apply this training in your practice. Another Free Bonus to you when you ORDER NOW.

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Valued at $529.79 when purchased separately

5. FREE BONUS VIDEO #2 – if you are one of the first to order this Walu Gonka introductory special, I will include a video that will demonstrate for you the comprehensive nature of Walu Gonka showcasing the many benefits it has for you. You will see me work with other martial arts masters from many different styles and you will listen to what they have to say about Walu Gonka. You will watch me perform many feats of hand speed and the cotton-fist breaking power of Walu Gonka. Many of my students have said that they have watched this video over and over again and have learned something new every time. This is the video you will want to show your friends.

LIFETIME “On Demand” ACCESS Includes:

All of the following titles from the Ultimate Walu Gonka Kung Fu System!

Lifetime “On Demand” Access Includes:Cost when purchased separately
Fast Track, Density, Kicking (Video)$99.97
Walu Earth Punch (Video)$79.97
Walu Energy Principles Demo (Video)$79.97
Walu Combat Applications (Video)$79.97
Speed and Power of Walu (Video)$69.97
The Mind of the Walu Warrior (Audio)$59.97
Getting started on the Walu Journey (Audio)$59.97

Don’t miss out on this introductory offer. Take action now, and order your LIFETIME ACCESS.

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Valued at $529.79 when purchased separately

Here are my final thoughts. What would it be worth to you to have an absolutely unstoppable feeling of certainty that you can competently defend yourself and those you care about? What if this powerful mind state would start to dramatically affect other areas of life as well and your confidence in business, relationships, etc. and give you a lifetime of increased power and success, not only with martial arts, but in every area of your life? Opportunity knocks on occasion, and your life will be defined by whether you seized the opportunities in front of you now, or whether you let it pass you by. You have, really, three choices. And no matter what you decide, you’re going to have to pay. So, it’s not a question of “if” you have to pay, but how much.

Here are your choices:

Choice #1: You do nothing: continue to do the exact same things you normally do and get the same results. Is this really how you want to live your life? This may be the most expensive choice of all, especially if it ever comes down to saving someone you love from harm at the hands of some big malicious, bad guys.

Choice #2: You try to develop this mind-state you know you truly want on your own through trial and error, ups and downs until you arrive at the same conclusions it took me 20 years to learn, test, and refine. Certainly better than doing nothing, but still much more expensive in time, effort, and money than if you take the “ultimate shortcut”…

Choice #3: You invest in this system and “shortcut” all the time, energy, effort, money, and heartbreak it would take to duplicate it, and immediately start developing these tools within your martial arts practice.

Look, whether you invest in my system or not are not going to change my ability to stop any bad guy at any time necessary… but it just might change yours… A LOT. All you have to do is take the first step, and seize the opportunity I’ve given you. Just fill out the order form and e-mail, fax, or mail it in before the introductory offer expires for a future of amazing confidence, striking power, and success in life. You are at a crossroads right now and the decision you make (or don’t make) will have a profound effect on your life for years to come. After all, your future life depends on it. Will you define it, or have it defined for you? The choice is yours, if you act now. I look forward to opening a new world of power and success with you!


P.S. Consider this: if your learning what is offered in this program prevents you from perpetually spending your hard earned dollars on system after system in search of something to make you feel even more confident, it will easily be worth the cost multiplied many times.

P.P.S. Even more importantly: if your learning what is offered in this program saves you or someone you care about from being violated or hurt by a big bad guy one day, it will easily be worth hundreds or thousands of times the cost.

P.P.P.S. If you follow this program as it is designed, and you create the state of mind of an absolutely certain winner, this one decision could make every part of your life brighter, and it might save your life or someone else’s life someday. You can’t put a price on that… this life you desire is out there waiting for you. Don’t keep it waiting forever… get your lifetime access now, before it’s too late.

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Need to contact us? Expect a speedy and knowledgeable response time within a few hours Monday through Friday (9-5 pm EST). One of our team members will reply to you directly. On the weekends expect a response in 24-48 hours. Want to chat with us? Leave your phone number and a good time to call back.

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Start learning Walu Gonka Kung Fu today!

Want to know what makes Walu Gonka so different, so powerful, so lethal, and how can you learn this special combat, self-defense, martial art system for you and your family? Purchase a lifetime access to your very own Walu Gonka Lethal Combat System for your private pursuit of unbelievable mental and physical power, so that you can feel healthier, safer, and more confident in a volatile world.

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Valued at $529.79 when purchased separately